Agriculture Conservation Assistance Program

The Agriculture Conservation Assistance Program (ACAP) provides financial and technical assistance for the implementation of best management practices (BMPs) on agricultural operations within Pennsylvania. ACAP is funded through the Clean Streams Fund which was established by the FY2022-2023 PA State Budget with federal American Rescue Plan Act dollars. The program is administered by the State Conservation Commission (SCC) and implemented locally by participating conservation districts.
The SCC has allocated $776,246 over the next 3 years to implement the program in Luzerne County. Each county’s funding was determined by a formula that considered agriculturally impaired stream miles, the number of cropland acres, the number of farms, the number of livestock and poultry, and other criteria established by the SCC. Funds are to be used to reduce non-point source pollution in streams, rivers, and waterbodies in Luzerne County, and they must be committed to projects by December 31, 2024, with completion by the end of 2026.
Any person or legal entity engaging in or owning a property where agricultural operations are occurring is welcome to apply for this grant reimbursement program. The amount of reimbursement is based on eligible costs submitted by an approved applicant for an approved project. Priority will be given to applicants based on the following criteria:
- Projects with BMPs that meet the goals of the Countywide Action Plan for Clean Water (CAP) or a Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) (see
- BMPs that are part of a conservation plan or Ag E&S plan and manure management or nutrient management plan. Development of such plans shall be included in the application if not yet developed prior to the application.
- BMPs that control nitrogen, phosphorus, or sediment.
- All Animal Concentration Areas (ACA) on the farm must be treated to abate storm water runoff, loss of sediment, loss of nutrients from the ACA, or the implementation of such BMPs shall be included in the application for funds.
- Proximity to surface waters, public drinking water sources.
- The project must meet the design and construction standards established by the SCC.
- Projects with matching funds. Although this is not a requirement.
- Projects by applicants who are new or beginning farmers or military veterans.
All applicants must first submit a pre-application to schedule an on-site visit by an LCD representative to discuss the potential project before an application is submitted for funding. The purpose of the pre-application meeting is to work jointly with the program participant to ensure that their application is complete and meets the ACAP objectives.
ACAP applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis until all available funding has been allocated. They will be ranked quarterly. The deadline for full applications to be considered for the first round of ranking is July 12, 2023.
For more information or to discuss a potential project, please contact Jen Merryman at 570-674-7991 ext. 7.
Link to pre-application
Link to application
Link to application instructions
Link to eligible Best Management Practices (BMPs) list
Link to Luzerne Conservation District ACAP Policy