Conservation District Board Meetings

The Luzerne Conservation District Board of Directors holds regularly scheduled meetings on the third Thursday of each month at 12:00 PM at the district’s office. 

Public participation is invited and available as described below:

  • Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting and/or offer comments on any agenda items via video or telephone as follows:
    • Video conferencing link:
    • Teleconference number: 1-646-749-3129 (enter access code: 236-113-869 when requested)
    • Members of the public are asked to mute their phones or microphones until the Chairman invites public comment. If calling in, use the mute button on your phone or dial *6 to mute and unmute your phone.
  • Emailed public comments may also be sent to by 9:00 AM on the day of the board meeting.
  • In-person (Note: Due to the relatively small meeting space, participants may be screened and any exhibiting symptoms of communicable illness will not be permitted to attend the meeting in person.)
  • Please call 570-674-7991 with questions about public participation.