E&S/NPDES Forms & Guidance
Below are links to forms and information related to requests for reviews and authorizations for Erosion & Sediment Control (E&SC) Plans and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activities. If you are unsure if your project requires Conservation District review or authorization, please call our E&S Program staff at 570-674-7991.
Please check back frequently for the most current information.
Notice: The Luzerne Conservation District accepts emailed PDF plan/permit review applications. However, the application will only be considered formally “received” upon fee payment and receipt of a copy of the signed district plan review application, the NPDES Permit NOI (when applicable), and one hard copy of the plans. Without these components, the application will not proceed to a completeness review. You are encouraged to contact E&S Program staff members with questions and to discuss your permit/plan review intentions.
PA DEP is introducing a Pilot program in select counties, including Luzerne, to evaluate new procedures for improving the quality of applications received and accelerating the review of Chapter 102 Individual NPDES Permit applications. Chapter 102 General NPDES Permit Notices of Intent (NOIs) are not part of the Pilot program. The Pilot program will start on May 1, 2024 and will end when specified by DEP on its construction stormwater website.
Interested applicants should review the Pilot Program summary document and contact the district’s E&S Program to discuss the possibility of participating.
Note: If your project may require multiple environmental permits (or you are unsure), you are encouraged to complete PA DEP’s Permit Application Consultation Tool and request a pre-application conference to aid in permit coordination.
Service and permit administrative fees may be paid by mailed check or securely online:
- Note: NPDES permit disturbed acre fees must still be paid by paper check since they are forwarded to PADEP.
- Note: Fees apply for online payments (2.65% or $3.00 minimum for credit cards or $1.50 for electronic fund transfers [e-check]).
- PA DEP’s eMap PA
- USDA Web Soil Survey
- FEMA Flood Map Service Center
- PA F&BC’s Trout Streams Map
- PA DEP’s Environmental Site Assessment Search Tool
- USGS StreamStats
- Contour Map Creator
- E&SPC Plan Completeness Review Checklist (Each application is checked to see if all required information is provided. Applications must satisfy these requirements before being evaluated for approval.)
- E&SPC Plan Technical Review Checklist (Once it is determined that all required information has been provided, the plans and design details are checked to see if they meet these regulatory requirements.)
- Timelines for Processing NPDES Permit Applications
- E&SPC Plan Guide for Small Projects in Luzerne County (Must include the above E&SPC Plan Review Application when submitting this Guide to the district for review.)
- E&SPC Plan for Timber Harvesting Operations
- Penn State’s Erosion Control & Conservation Plantings on Noncropland (Seeding Specifications)
- Standard E&S Plan Notes
- Chapter 93 Regulations: Water Quality Standards (Designated Uses for PA Water Bodies. Luzerne County waterways are included in Drainage Lists D, I, J & K)
- Existing Use Designations for PA Water Bodies (Note: Streams are to be protected at their Existing Use when the Existing Use is greater than the Designated Use identified in Chapter 93.)
- PA DEP’s Clean Water Acadamy (training and resources on various topics)
- PA DEP’s Guidelines for Maintaining Streams in Your Community