E&S/NPDES Forms & Guidance

Notice: The Luzerne Conservation District accepts emailed PDF plan/permit review applications. However, the application will only be considered formally “received” upon fee payment and receipt of a copy of the signed district plan review application, the NPDES Permit NOI (when applicable), and one hard copy of the plans. Without these components, the application will not proceed to a completeness review. You are encouraged to contact E&S Program staff members with questions and to discuss your permit/plan review intentions.

PA DEP is introducing a Pilot program in select counties, including Luzerne, to evaluate new procedures for improving the quality of applications received and accelerating the review of Chapter 102 Individual NPDES Permit applications. Chapter 102 General NPDES Permit Notices of Intent (NOIs) are not part of the Pilot program. The Pilot program will start on May 1, 2024 and will end when specified by DEP on its construction stormwater website.

Interested applicants should review the Pilot Program summary document and contact the district’s E&S Program to discuss the possibility of participating.

  • Pre-Application Meeting Request Form

    Applicants are encouraged to discuss their projects with E&S Program staff members prior to submitting their plans for review. Please submit this form to request a pre-application meeting.

  • E&SPC Plan Review Application & Fee Schedule

    Luzerne Conservation District’s plan review application (first 2 pages) must be submitted with every request to review an Erosion & Sediment Control Plan, whether or not an NPDES permit is required for the project.

Service and permit administrative fees may be paid by mailed check or securely online:

  • Note: NPDES permit disturbed acre fees must still be paid by paper check since they are forwarded to PADEP.
  • Note: Fees apply for online payments (2.65% or $3.00 minimum for credit cards or $1.50 for electronic fund transfers [e-check]).