Please read all of the information below!

The Luzerne Conservation District is accepting quotes for the removal of a dam and stream restoration work at a farm in Jackson and Kingston Townships, Luzerne County.  The full project information package can be downloaded by clicking on the document titles below:

Quote Form & Schedule
Design Drawings

Addendum 1 – Adjustments to Log Weir Designs: The following attachments are for an adjustment to the log weir design with changes to 2 drawing sheets shown in the attached drawings CD1 and SP1. The sheets are a replacement for the 2 drawings in the original quote package. The cut sheet shows further detail in the Duckbill Anchor apparatus and pinning locations to be installed on each weir in accordance with the attached drawings.
Addendum 1 Revised Drawing -CD1
Addendum 1 Revised Drawing-SP1
Addendum1 -Cut-Sheet_Duckbill-Anchor

Preconstruction Contour Map with Contours Labeled
Design Information & Specifications
Prevailing Wage Rates*

*Prevailing Wage Rate Info. – Prevailing Wage applies to these projects. Wage Determinations are provided from the PA Department of Labor & Industry.  Bidders should use the appropriate wage categories for personnel working on the project (i.e. Operators, Truck drivers, Laborers, etc.) when developing their bids.

Contract Appendix – DEP Contract Attachments – This project is funded by the PA Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Growing Greener Grant Program.  Therefore, the selected contractor will be subject to the provisions of this Appendix which apply to sub-contractors to the overall grant contract between the Luzerne Conservation District and the PA DEP.

Site Showing Discussion Items/Quote Clarifications:

The following questions were raised at the 6/7/24 pre-quote meeting on site, clarifications are as follows:

  • Rock construction entrances (Standard E&S detail) are required for both accesses from Hillside Road. The historic “cobble layout” behind the old barn must be protected when using the area for equipment operation, stockpiling materials, or other temporary use of the area during construction. A geotextile layout with fine aggregate over the top is advised for this area to avoid impacts and improve cleanup post-construction.
  • Unlabeled silt socks on the project plans will be installed as 12″ silt sock (Standard E&S detail)
  • Well protection indicated on the plans should include sandbags around the well casing to a high enough level to cover the well cap. A flag should be installed to avoid impacts to the well.
  • After extensive conversations on how to approach the log weir material supply, it is decided that the contractors will use their own discretion on securing conifer logs on-site or purchasing conifer log materials from a supplier. The 3 white pines on Hillside Road will not be included in this project due to the difficulties involved in removing those trees.
  • Approval or disapproval for the use of pressure-treated logs is still pending from PA DEP and/or PA Fish and Boat Commission. Notification will be posted when a determination regarding the use of pressure-treated logs in a trout stream is received.
  • There was a question on the use of Pressure-treated logs or utility poles to be used as materials for the log weirs. After discussions with PAF&BC Biologists, research of literature, and PA DEP permit requirements, it has been decided that the use of Pressure-treated (Copper based) or Creosote-treated Log materials will not be accepted for this project. Only untreated Hemlock, Pine, Spruce, or Fir logs will be the only acceptable materials sourced off-site or on-site with the coordination of the Lands at Hillside Farms based on the trees shown during the pre-quote meeting. Log integrity will be assessed based on that no parts of the logs can be soft enough to be broken away with the use of hand-held a pry bar and cores of the logs can not be penetrated with the same bar.
  • Addendum 1 – Adjustments to Log Weir Designs: See the above revised log weir design sheets (CD1 and SP1) that replace the 2 drawings in the original quote package. Also, the cut sheet shows further detail in the Duckbill Anchor apparatus and pinning locations to be installed on each weir in accordance with the revised drawings.

Important Site Meeting:

IMPORTANT! Contractors interested in providing a quote must visit the project site for a required pre-quote examination of the area to become fully informed of all existing conditions and limitations, including access and availability of materials.

The mandatory site showing will be at The Lands at Hillside Farms parking lot at the corner of Hillside Road and Church Road at 9:00 AM on Friday, June 7, 2024.

Address:  The Lands at Hillside Farms – 65 Hillside Rd, Shavertown, PA 18708

Hard copies of the full quote package and supporting information can be purchased from the District for $25.00.  If you want to order a hard copy, please call John Levitsky at 570-674-7991 ext. 5.

Quotes must be received at the Luzerne Conservation District office by 3:00 PM, Wednesday, June 19, 2024.