Emergency Watershed Protection Project – North Main Street Shavertown


Eligible contractors who attend the mandatory site showing on 12/11/24 are posted here.

*Prevailing Wage Rate Information – Prevailing wage rates apply to this project. Wage Determinations are provided by the PA Department of Labor & Industry.  Contractors should use the appropriate wage categories for personnel working on the project (e.g. Operators, Truck drivers, Carpenters, Laborers, etc.) when developing their proposals.

USDA Contract Provisions & PA DEP Contract Provisions

Federal USDA Emergency Watershed Protection Program and state DEP grants fund this project.  Therefore, the selected contractor will be subject to any provisions in those agreements that apply to sub-contractors to the overall grant contracts between the Conservation District, USDA NRCS, and PA DEP.

Clarifications & Addenda:

Sealed proposals must be received at the Luzerne Conservation District office by 3:00 P.M., Wednesday, December 18, 2024.